Our organizing and advocacy work is shaped by the stories and patterns of systemic abuse that we hear through our relationships with community members, leaders, partner agencies and through our legal program. 
Our Advocacy Program does this work in 4 main ways: 
  1. Grassroots Community Organizing
  2. Narrative Change
  3. Coalition Partners
  4. Civic Engagement
We do this work to center the voices of immigrants and refugees, create a more positive narrative, transform unjust systems, and build a powerful movement for immigrants’ rights at all levels. 

Advocacy Resources

2024 Legislative Session: SF 2340 creates a new state crime for illegal reentry to Iowa. It gives authority to Iowa peace officers and judges to determine whether someone should be deported or not. This bill is unconstitutional. This bill is not in effect, but is set to go into effect July 1st, 2024. 
The following is Iowa MMJ’s statement on the new law: 

Des Moines, IA (April 10, 2024) Today the Iowa Governor signed a bill that would allow Iowa law enforcement and judges to enforce U.S. immigration laws. The bill is set to take effect July 1st, 2024. Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice (Iowa MMJ) a statewide immigrants’ rights organization condemns the law as a ridiculous political stunt and reminds community members that everyone, regardless of immigration status has rights. Iowa MMJ releases the following statement:

“Welcoming immigrants and refugees is the definition of what “Iowa Nice” should be. By signing SF 2340, Governor Reynolds is failing newly arrived and long-time Iowans. Iowa politicians moved this ridiculous stunt forward in an election year in order to perpetuate partisan campaign rhetoric, drive fear in immigrant communities and mobilize voters using fear and anti-immigrant sentiment. Immigrants’ rights organizations are ready to fight back and work to block this unconstitutional law from going into effect. We know that we all belong here, Iowa is home, and we will stand together as workers, families and allies to defend each other.”

Iowa Bill SF2340 (3):SF230 Information Overview (Eng/Span)

Bilingual KNOW YOUR RIGHTS EngSpan

Deferred Action for Labor Enforcement (DALE)